Sunday, December 16, 2007

CHD Awareness week resolution

Here is a post from a fellow heart mom:
Hi, We are once again trying to get Congress to pass a National CHD Awareness week resolution. My Congressman, Representative Robert Andrews (NJ) has introduced House Resolution 858, "Supporting the goals and ideals of the National Congenital Heart Defect Awareness Week". You can read the resolution here:http://www.govtrack .us/congress/ bill...bill= hr110-858 Please contact your representatives and ask them to sign on to H.Res 858 as co-sponsors and we'll get this resolution passed this year! To contact your representatives, start here: gov Enter your zipcode into "Find your Representative" at the top left. Once you've done that, go to their official website (a link will be on the page) and send them an email message asking them to support H.Res 858. Feel free to pass this on and ask your friends and family to help and post on your pages. The more the better. Thanks, Lyn Justin 19 TGA,VSD,PS www.caringbridge. org/nj/justinw

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